Sagar Tv news most popular news channel in bundelkhand and madhya pradesh hindi news channel . Sagar top channel and bundelkhand best trusted news channel always ahead every news for you.
Sagar TV News (STVN India) is a news portal that transmits news of your need to you. Almost all plate forms of social media are connected. It started as a website in the month of August 2013. Then our first bulletin aired on 14 January 2014. In the new media of Bundelkhand and especially Sagar, Sagar TV wrote history at a time when it had direct access to your mobile phone on the lines of anywhere. Sagar TV News mobile application and SMS service launched. It became the first news settled mobile application of Sagar division. After this, Sagar TV News reached new heights and started on 20 May 2014 as a 24X7 news channel on Local Cable News. After this, in the next two years, in many ups and downs, Sagar TV News reached Bundelio. Today Sagar TV is not an idiot and has issued his journey. Our team is constantly sending you the news of your need and is committed to it even further.
萨加尔电视新闻是Bundelkhand和Madhya Pradesh印度语新闻频道中最受欢迎的新闻频道。 Sagar顶级频道和Bundelkhand最受信任的新闻频道始终为您提供每条新闻。
Sagar TV News(印度STVN)是一个新闻门户,可将您需要的新闻传送给您。几乎所有社交媒体的平板形式都是相互联系的。它于2013年8月作为网站开始。然后我们的第一个公告于2014年1月14日播出。在Bundelkhand(尤其是Sagar)的新媒体中,Sagar TV可以直接在手机上访问您的手机时写下了历史。线的任何地方。推出Sagar TV News移动应用程序和SMS服务。它成为Sagar部门的第一个新闻定居的移动应用程序。此后,萨加尔电视新闻(Sagar TV News)达到了新的高度,并于2014年5月20日作为Local Cable News上的24X7新闻频道开播。此后,在接下来的两年中,Sagar TV News在许多风风雨雨中到达了Bundelio。今天,萨加尔电视台(Sagar TV)不再是白痴,而是发表了自己的旅程。我们的团队会不断向您发送您需要的消息,并会对此作出进一步的承诺。